
Buy Marijuana Alternatives Online - Herboponic and Hawaiian Herbal Hybrid Buds.


Herbal Smoke Shop


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PRO fact: 3 free samples
Final mark 19/20

URL: Herbal Smoke Shop



My name is Alain Ross, for those who do not know me, I am part time editor on growing marijuana.org community and owner of 77seeds.com - one of the biggest online marijuana seedbanks. 77seeds.com is an Amsterdam based company supplying marijuana seeds world wide at unbeatable prices - I took the opportunity to make some shameless advertising :)))

Last week the guys from Herbal Smoke Shop informed us about a new legal bud that is hot on the market. Its called Herboponic.

To be honest with you, with we did not had the time to test it. However we trust the Herbal Smoke Shop when they say that is the best thing after the Hawaiian Herbal Hybrid Buds. (nn; see http://www.growing-marijuana.org/highs.html)

"Herboponic looks amazing with huge sticky bright green buds, tastes great, smells even better and is a very satisfying smoke, to say the least. Herboponic Smokers return to purchase this product 9 times out of 10 for a reason. According to MANY returning customers, when it comes to herbal smokes, this product is The Total Bomb! Super taste, smell with a potent smooth burning smoke that is smooth on the soul! Our customers simply can't stop raving about this amazing 100% legal bud"

Now lets take a look of what is inside the Herboponic legal bud:

      • poppy flowers
      • avena sativa
      • cannabae buds
      • chesteya bud
      • hybrid strains of wild dagga buds and flowers
      • Leonurus Sibiricus extract

Avena sativa is a recent entry to the field of aphrodisiacs and its extracted from wild oats straw. Maud Grieve in the Modern Herbal (A Modern Herbal - two volume set by Mrs. Grieve (902pp) 1981) says that the medicinal action and uses are primarily as a stimulant and antispasmodic. Avena Sativa's alleged power to induce sexual excitement in humans.

Wild Dagga is used in Eastern medicine as euphoriant. Hottentot tribe of South Africa smoked Wild Dagga due to its euphoric effects. This plant often referred to as a Cannabis substitute.

Leonurus sibiricus comes from Malaysia. In Mexico this plant is called "marahuanilla" or the "little marijuana". While apparently rich in alkaloids, it does not contain THC and owes its interesting entheogenic effects to a yet unidentified compound. L. siribicus is also used as an emmenagogue in Thai ethnomedicine.

This is just some of the components that are used to create the Herboponic legal bud.

"notice - by fda law - none of these products are labeled as: buy marijuana alternatives, legal highs, herbal highs, or herbal ecstasy"

"notice, these are legal herbal products, they are not marijuana, or any illegal drugs, they are composed of legal herbal ingredients, and shipped legally in all 50 states"

If you decide to purchase this online we strongly recommend the Herboponic - Hawaiian Hybrid Buds Combo Pack. You will get a 10% discount and a free 3.5 gram sample of Wacky Weed.



| 1081 HV Amsterdam De Boelelaan 1217 | info@growing-marijuana.org | Last Updated 28/10/2003 | Copyright © 2003 Growing Marijuana |